We’ve just launched the second round of the Predestination beta, introducing the planetary exploration and colonisation gameplay. If you’re one of our beta backers or are otherwise signed up to test the game, check your Kickstarter mail or email for a message from us with a download link. If you were supposed to be in the beta but didn’t get an email, please send us an email to planetbeta@brainandnerd.com and we’ll sort it out for you.
As with the previous beta stage, there’s no NDA and you can talk about it or make videos if you like, but we would appreciate it if wouldn’t share the beta or download link publicly. It’s not quite ready for public consumption yet and is still using mostly placeholder 3D models and sounds that may change before release. If you’re not in the beta but still want to see the progress we’ve made this month, check out the video below of us playing through it and let us know what you think!
Some games are practically finished by the time they get to beta, but indies like us really do need your help to test everything. We need to know how well the planetary portion of the game performs on your PC and whether you encounter any bugs or glitches. We’d also love to hear what you like about the gameplay, what you think should be improved before release, and any ideas you have for new buildings and technologies associated with planetary colonisation. To that end, we’ve added three new stickied threads to the beta forum:
- Help / Instructions Thread – If you’re having trouble getting the game to install or run, or would like to ask the developers any questions.
- General Feedback Thread – All feedback on gameplay, the UI, performance, and any suggestions or ideas should go here.
- Bug Reporting Thread – Report any bugs encountered during play, including graphical glitches and any gameplay issues that arise.
If the game crashes, a dialog box will also appear and allow you to submit a bug report straight to us with a screenshot and details. We would appreciate it if you could fill this in and submit it, as it really will help us squash bugs.
Another hundred games were Greenlit yesterday, which means we’re now about 96% of the way into the top 100 remaining projects. Valve seems to be greenlighting games in large batches, so we need your help to push us as far up the list as possible before the next batch hits. You can help by sharing the Greenlight link on your social networks and sending gaming news sites tips on Predestination and why you think it deserves coverage.
Predestination will be sold by direct download with no DRM as promised, but getting greenlit would let us also release on Steam and access a huge market, giving us the funds to continue developing and produce free updates as well as DLC and expansions.
A huge thank-you from Brain and Nerd to everyone who has supported us so far!
— Brendan, Lead Developer